This site is about new perspectives that can enhance your well-being and boost your creativity. It looks into two areas:
- Your career, particularly résumé writing
- World cultures
Both are more related than you might think because:
- They’re about expanding horizons.
- Both enhance each other when you explore them at the same time.
So there are two sections in this website. One is about résumés. Many people today hire professional résumé writers and use online résumé writing software, so what might seem outstanding is now often merely average. An effective résumé needs extra creativity. So you can go to this site’s résumé writing page and find insights about making your résumé stand out from the others in this crowded job market in which an average of 250 people apply for each opening. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 408-245-1212 if you have any questions.
The second section is about new perspectives of world cultures. In my 28 years of studying them I’ve found that the world’s cultural wealth is a boundless treasure chest that can inspire one creative insight after another, and most of it’s little-known.

You can explore this section on two levels:
1. You can read my blog’s articles. They’re quickly digestible views of many of the world’s most fascinating cultures. In each post I mix analysis of a society’s unique wealth with several photos. I took all the pictures (except for the few of my mug).
You can read the blog in many ways. Some people might want to focus on one culture and read all the articles about it. That’s fine, but a great way to approach this blog is to compare many world-views. If you read it in chronological order, you’ll experience a flight around the world that will open up new and more rewarding ways to perceive it.
2. The second soars even higher. It’s in the “books” page of this website, where I introduce my new book, which answers the question: What view of the world will allow you to reach your full potential for happiness and creativity? I stopped writing blog articles in 2013 in order to focus more on this book and its sequel, and I’ve been enjoying the greater amount of creativity that the books require. The blog is piecemeal and in various styles, but the books synthesize an unusual combination of places and times into the most rewarding perspective that I’ve found of our whole world. You can order my first book on Amazon.
Both sections of this website complement each other. They’re both about enhanced perspectives and creativity. The first applies to your résumé and career so you can land the job that you’ll find the most fulfilling. The second is about finding more fulfillment in the larger cultural environment that shapes our thinking and identities. If you expand your horizons in both areas at the same time, you can have an endless love affair with the world.
Brian Holihan
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My oldest daughter Amanda and I am fascinated with this website.
This is a fabulous website and one that I will continue to follow. I heartily recommend it, but beware, you can spend hours on this site and not plummet the depths.
Deborah Owen, CEO
I am agree with your thought that I think your plan is really good to vortices the knowledge of our human conditions. I did a smiler topic of my contemporary installations in recent years. Please go to my website http://www.gongyuebin.com
Keep in touch.
I blogged about this site today on my blog – http://blacklilackitty.wordpress.com/ and shared it on Facebook.
This site is to good to keep a secret.
Stay safe and healthy.
Thanks a million, Cynthia.
Hi Brian,
We met at Mix Hostel in Chengdu, thanks for a great chat, your ideas and opinions make for very interesting reading. Keep up the good work and enjoy your travels.
Hi Tyrhone,
I enjoyed talking with you too, and I liked your opinions. Sorry for the late reply, but I was in China (and thus behind the Great Firewall) for 2 months. I’m now footlose in Thailand and floating through the beauty of Sukhothai.
Hi Brian, we met at Golden Temple Villa in Siem Reap during the blackout in the hotel haha… I’m back home and thanks for your valuable sharing of photos you have taken. And you have a Great website!
Pls continue to add on more cultures of other countries and Good Luck to your new book coming soon 🙂
Hi Alan,
I enjoyed meeting meeting you, and I had a great time throughout Southeast Asia. I just got home, with 20,000 new pictures.
So, so cool. Than you joining us on meet-up and sharing this url.
Let’s find a way to stay connected, and I hope to meet you in person
this coming Tuesday Brian! 🙂
I’m happy to be a member of your group on multicultural studies, Naima. I hope to meet you soon. I have a meeting in Silicon Valley this Tuesday, but I’ll be in touch with you soon.
I cogratulate your works! it’s marvelous idea to open site sitters see what happens in the world!
This Facebook page is a “school book” by itself — instructive, enlightening, even convicting. Wow, how so vast the world’s cultural heritage! Yet, how so meager its realization!
Thanks, Brian, for your pioneering efforts. Keep up the good work. All of nature and the whole universe will soon be participating with you.
Hello Brian,
Namaste from India.
I like your new post RIG VEDA, and your website,very informative.
Please connect me on LinkedIn.
I am an artist and paint on silk.I have studied the course of Indology.
If possible stay in touch.
Thanks and with regards,
Sugandha Iyer
Hi Sugandha, thanks for your kind words. I’ll be happy to get in touch with you.
hii Brian!! thanks for beautiful picture. yeah I LOVE them <3
Thank you so much, Nunu. I decided to publish a book of photographs late this year or early next year. This book will complement the text-oriented book that I’m finishing, which gives a much deeper appreciation of world cultures than a person can in a blog. Both books will be great together.
Amazing Website 🙂
Readers, be ware. This website can be deceptive. There’s much more to the carefully crafted format, breathtaking photos, and meticulously worded messages than meets the physical eyes. This is a work of love. Hidden beneath its understatements breathes a profound compassion for humanity, food for the mind and the heart. THANK YOU, Brian.
Thank you for sharing the Wisdom and Wonder my friend. I will enjoy wandering through your work.
Just becoming acquainted with this newly discovered fountain of knowledge, insights into distant cultures, and a traveling soul that speaks to me as a fellow wanderer in seek of the unusual. Authentic, exciting, enriching.
Thank you for your kind words, Mei_Mei. I hope you have a great return to Italy.